Lauryn Hill Pays Tribute To Jo Mersa & Calls For Unity
Lauryn Hill recently held a concert in Miami, and took the opportunity to share a loving message to the Marley family. She paid tribute to Jo Mersa, Bob Marley’s grandson who recently passed away tragically, and was buried in St Ann alongside Bob Marley.
Members of the Marley family were present at Lauryn Hill’s performance. The American singer-songwriter and producer and former Fugees member is herself married to a member of the Marley family; the son of Bob Marley Rohan Marley, with whom she has five children.
While paying tribute to Jo Mersa, she talked about meeting the latter when he was a kid and how loving he was.
She shared:
“Our family has suffered a tragic loss. I know that we have members of the Marley family in the house tonight, a number of them. I just want to say, be yourselves, make sure that you have people you can talk to and express yourselves to. Joseph Marley … I met him when he was very, very young with his father Stephen. The Fugees were on the road. He was full of life, full of energy, full of personality. I have beautiful memories of him and I treasure those memories.” She then called for unity among the family, sharing some wise words: “In memory of Joseph Marley, all you Marley children out there, stay together; be compassionate, forgiving of each other, listen to each other, protect each other, hold each other close.”
An inspiring artist who is also the most awarded female rapper in history, Lauryn Hill paid an emotional tribute to Jo Mersa, and everyone who attended her concerts will remember her inspirational speech forever.